Saturday, August 1, 2015




We have all heard about the dentist, Walter Palmer, who paid $50,000 to kill a gentle, beloved lion. How hunting can be called a “sport” is beyond me.  A sport is basketball, baseball, football, agility, etc. Two equal teams compete against each other. How can hunting be considered “sport”?   I was thrilled to learn Palmer had to close his practice up and is now the most hated man in America.  That’s karma.

Cecil’s tragic death has opened a lot of people’s eyes to the animal cruelty out there.  Hopefully something positive will come out of all this.

I have been using Cecil’s death to promote veganism, making numerous memes about dairy, eggs, meat, fur, vivisection, and hunting.  My plan was to show the animal and post how many were killed each day.  I went to animal agriculture sites to get my information. I took their yearly numbers and divided them down into daily numbers.  What I found was disturbing. I have listed my findings below.  Keep in mind when you read these numbers that my numbers are lower than what actually goes on.  The numbers I used are from USA agriculture sites, so they do not add in other countries.  Agriculture sites don’t count animals that were killed on their way to slaughterhouses, which run into the millions every year.

13,200 pigs are killed every hour. According to the industry, only 1% of pigs wind up being boiled alive.  That means over 100 pigs are boiled alive ever hour.

2000 male baby chicks are ground up in food grinders alive or placed alive in trash bags every day, shortly after birth.  Male chicks do not lay eggs so they are considered waste product.  Male chicks are also used as “packing peanuts” for shipping. If you think eating eggs, doesn’t kill anything, think again.

960,000 chickens are killed every hour.  180 million chickens are boiled alive every year.  Chickens and pigs are the most abused animals in the world.

2,700 male calves are killed every day. Male calves are taken away from their mother right after birth and sold for veal.  They are kept confined in small crates unable to move very much at all. Male calves do not make milk. They only way they make a dairy farmer money is as veal or calf leather.  Farms are businesses and their only goal is making money. If you think drinking milk doesn’t harm any animals, think again. The only way cows can produce milk is to have a baby. What do you think happens to all those babies?

4000 cows are killed for beef every hour. At the rates slaughterhouses have to work, many cows wind up being skinned alive.

31,000 turkeys are killed every hour.  I have never understood the tradition of stuffing bread crumbs up a dead bird’s butt.

55.000 dairy cows are killed every week. After being milked to death, they become your hamburger patties. A cow can live to be 20, but in the dairy industry it’s only 5-7 years.

28,000 animals are killed for fur every day.

28,000 animals are killed in animal testing every day.

3,000,000,000,000 fish are killed every year. That’s 3 trillion—3 with twelve zeroes after it.

100,000 sharks are killed every year. Number of people killed by sharks in a year is four.

As you can see, the number of animals killed every day, every week, every year, is unbelievable.  What has our society become?

None of these deaths or lives of these animals was humane or gentle. They all lived horrible lives and suffered cruel deaths. They were hit in the head with a hammer, shot, electrocuted, throats cut, or stunned gunned. One note, I need to make about stun guns, is they are supposed to do just that—stun, not kill.  They basically just put a shot in the animal’s brain which is supposed to stun the animal, but doesn’t kill it.

After all this research, my conclusion is that vegan is the only ethical, moral way to live.

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