Sunday, August 9, 2015




We Americans have so many choices--so many stores to shop at, so many products to buy. We are fortunate to have the choices and we are fortunate to be able to make our own choices.  Many of us, however, have not realized how important our choices can be and how our choices affect others, and even our planet. Every dollar we spend at a store is a vote for the product we purchase with that dollar.

If you consider yourself an environmentalist, consider this: Animal products are responsible for 51% of greenhouse gases, 97% of rainforest destruction, and 56% of water usage. It also uses 45% of the earth’s total land. Making the choice to purchase animal products is harming our planet.  This movie is a must see for anyone concerned with our planet

Not only would making a choice not to buy animal products help our planet, but it would save many animals from cruelty and suffering. Dairy and egg products make you think they don’t hurt animals in their making, but they are extremely cruel products. Male calves are taken from their mothers less than 24 hours after birth. They are put into veal crates where they are unable to move for the next 4 months. The lack of movement is supposed to make their flesh tenderer.  Then they are slaughtered. 23,000 calves are slaughtered every week.

The egg industry sends male chicks, right after birth, either alive into grinders, or throws them alive into trash bags. They do not make money for the egg or chicken meat industries, so they are considered waste product. 2,000 baby chicks are killed every day. Just by choosing not to purchase dairy, meat, or eggs you can save many animals from cruelty. Watch for more on animal cruelty.

Toxic chemicals are also a concern to our environment. Many chemicals out there do terrible damage to our environment. Pesticides and herbicides are killing monarchs and bees. Bleach and ammonia have been detected on top of the Himalayan Mountains. These chemicals get into our water, killing fish and poisoning our oceans. Just making a choice at the grocery store not to purchase these products will help our planet and future generations. We don’t need them.  Vinegar is safe and kills 99.9% of germs. This movie is a must see for anyone concerned about toxic chemicals:

If you love animals and are against animal abuse consider your purchasing choices. Most beauty and health products at the stores are made with animal by-products and are tested on animals. Animal testing is cruel and unnecessary.  28,000 animals are killed every day in animal testing. Rabbits, monkeys, guinea pigs, even dogs and cats have hairspray sprayed in their eyes, acid poured on their skin, makeup put directly in their eyes, are force fed toxic chemicals, and many other abuses. If we all stopped buying from companies that do animal testing, they would stop this practice. Here is a list of companies that do animal testing:

Make sure the products you choose to purchase are cruelty free and non-toxic. Organic, natural, vegan products are the best and safest products to purchase. Vegan, non-toxic beauty products are available here:


The choices you make every day at the store can either save our planet or destroy it. The choices you make can either end animal suffering or increase it. The choice is yours.

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