Sunday, February 28, 2016





Vegans have known for quite a long time that animal agriculture not only abuses animals, but is destroying our planet and our health. It turns out we were right. Many recent studies have come out in support of veganism. You might say that lately times have been good for vegan. WHO, FAO, EPA have come out saying animal agriculture is killing our planet. Studies by the United Nation have shown we can end world hunger by switching to plant based diets.  More and more studies including the FDA are saying consuming meat, dairy and eggs are causing diseases like obesity and cancer. These are things vegans already knew, but it is gratifying to have these confirmed by science.

Yes, it’s been great for veganism to have all these studies support us, but more importantly, it’s been great for humanity. We have a chance to stop global warming. We have a chance to beat cancer and diabetes. All it takes is a diet change.

Along with saving our planet and our health, the diet change will change people. Once violence is taken off our plates, humanity will become more peaceful. Once we stop killing animals, we will stop killing people.  When we consume violence, that violence becomes part of us.

The terror animals have to go through in factory farms and slaughterhouses, causes their bodies to release adrenaline, just like humans do when we experience fear. This hormone is the last hormone their bodies release just before they are killed. It will become part of the flesh—the meat people eat.  Testosterone is a steroid added to animal feed to increase growth. Testosterone will also wind up being part of the flesh that people eat. Higher levels of testosterone will lead to violence. Many studies have shown a link between violent criminals and high testosterone intake.

We lose a piece of our humanity with every animal killed, every bite of it’s flesh. We devalue our own lives when we devalue others. We destroy ourselves when we destroy our planet.

Vegans are trying to save animals, stop animal abuse and killing. We are trying to save our planet for future generations. We are trying to stop world hunger, violence and wars. To be against veganism is to be for animal abuse, planet destruction, world hunger and war.

Sunday, February 21, 2016



When I was a small child, my parents use to tell me, “Finish your plate. There are children starving. “

I never understood what that connection meant. What they should have been telling me that would have made more sense is “Go vegan. There are children starving.”

There are about 7 billion people on this planet. About 1 billion of those are food deprived. They have to worry about where their next meal will come from and if there will be a next meal. About 21,000 children die of starvation every day.

Currently over 1/3 of the Earth’s land is being used to raise and feed livestock.  Raising livestock causes 55% of land erosion. 80% of the corn grown is used to feed livestock. 80% of fish caught in the ocean is used to feed livestock. 90% of the oats grown is used to feed livestock. It takes about 3 acres of land to raise food for one omnivore, while it only takes 1/6 acre of land to feed a vegan. An animal farmer will tell you that he feeds his animals grass and that you can’t grow anything else on the land, but that is false. First, very few cows are grass fed their whole lives. Usually, even with grass-fed beef, they get grass the last few weeks of their lives. Second, if grass grows on the land, other plants can too.

According to the United Nations, it takes 16 pounds of food to make one pound of meat. One acre of land can be used to make 20 pounds of useable meat protein, or it can be used to make 356 pounds of plant protein.

Those 21,000 children that died of hunger today died because people still feel they need to eat meat. It doesn’t have to be this way. We can feed the world. The solution is so simple.  Just go vegan.


Saturday, February 20, 2016



In A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, the Ghost of Christmas Present revealed to Scrooge two frightening children that clung to his robe. One was a girl named Want, the other a boy named Ignorance. The ghost said to Scrooge "Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom unless the writing be erased."

From Donald Trump and his bigoted rants about immigrants stealing American jobs (immigrants only account for 180,000 job losses-most of these jobs are jobs no one else wants to do, while jobs sent to China account for 3.2 million job losses) to B.O.B. declaring the Earth is flat, ignorance is running amok in this country.  As Charles Dickens wrote, ignorance is dangerous to our society and to our democracy.

The last two elections, we had to listen to ignorant people argue that global warming isn’t real. Then it was global warming isn’t caused by humans.  These stupid arguments set our battle against climate change back by decades.

When I debate animal farmers, I will tell them how consuming animals is destroying our planet and our health. I freely cite my sources. Usually the farmers will reply that I am wrong. Repeatedly I will ask them for their sources that prove I am wrong. I never get any.  One farmer even told me “We are our sources. We don’t need any other sources.” That is the attitude that is destroying our planet and our country.

I am vegan not because I don’t know, but because I do know.  I have done the research. I know how animal agriculture mistreats animals. I know animals are intelligent and deserving of our respect. I know animal agriculture is destroying our planet and our health. I have the sources. I do not expect everyone to take my word for it. I would encourage everyone to do their own research.  Please tear yourself away from the TV for a few minutes a day and read. No matter how old you get, never stop learning. 



Resources on health concerns

Resource on cavemen

Resources on environment

Plus, see my previous blog post for a reading list.


These are the memes I created this week. Please feel free to use and share them. It's for the animals.