Sunday, February 28, 2016




Vegans have known for quite a long time that animal agriculture not only abuses animals, but is destroying our planet and our health. It turns out we were right. Many recent studies have come out in support of veganism. You might say that lately times have been good for vegan. WHO, FAO, EPA have come out saying animal agriculture is killing our planet. Studies by the United Nation have shown we can end world hunger by switching to plant based diets.  More and more studies including the FDA are saying consuming meat, dairy and eggs are causing diseases like obesity and cancer. These are things vegans already knew, but it is gratifying to have these confirmed by science.

Yes, it’s been great for veganism to have all these studies support us, but more importantly, it’s been great for humanity. We have a chance to stop global warming. We have a chance to beat cancer and diabetes. All it takes is a diet change.

Along with saving our planet and our health, the diet change will change people. Once violence is taken off our plates, humanity will become more peaceful. Once we stop killing animals, we will stop killing people.  When we consume violence, that violence becomes part of us.

The terror animals have to go through in factory farms and slaughterhouses, causes their bodies to release adrenaline, just like humans do when we experience fear. This hormone is the last hormone their bodies release just before they are killed. It will become part of the flesh—the meat people eat.  Testosterone is a steroid added to animal feed to increase growth. Testosterone will also wind up being part of the flesh that people eat. Higher levels of testosterone will lead to violence. Many studies have shown a link between violent criminals and high testosterone intake.

We lose a piece of our humanity with every animal killed, every bite of it’s flesh. We devalue our own lives when we devalue others. We destroy ourselves when we destroy our planet.

Vegans are trying to save animals, stop animal abuse and killing. We are trying to save our planet for future generations. We are trying to stop world hunger, violence and wars. To be against veganism is to be for animal abuse, planet destruction, world hunger and war.

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