Saturday, October 17, 2015



Recently, on my local morning news, they showed a video of people holding baby pigs. Most of the people in the video said they were going to stop eating bacon. After the video aired, one of the newscasters asked, “Would holding a baby pig make you stop eating bacon?”

Another one answered, “I don’t know. I really like bacon. I like to keep it out of sight, out of mind.”

You can watch the video here

The meat, egg and dairy industries thrive on this “out of sight, out of mind” attitude so many people have. Why? Because the industry is cruel and most people are against animal cruelty. Most people have feelings and a heart and if the truth was known and acknowledged these industries would cease to exist.

If you had to see pigs being slaughtered and your bacon being made, of course you would not eat it. If you had to see baby chicks sent alive down a food grinder, of course you would not buy eggs. If you had to watch calves being taken from their mothers, listen to their cries as they are sent off to slaughter houses, of course you would not buy dairy products.

If you saw the environmental damage these industries do, you would not buy eggs, meat, or dairy. If you saw the harm these products are doing to your bodies, you would not buy them.

Animal agriculture is a multi-billion dollar a year industry. Big pharmaceuticals companies also have a billion dollar stake in keeping you eating their products.

They use words like “meat” instead of calling it what it really is “flesh”. They use words like “free range”, “grass fed”, “humane” just to make you feel better about buying their products. The standards to use these words are all set by the industry themselves, so they mean nothing.

Vegans are trying to get you to open your eyes. We are trying to get you to actually see what is going on and take the self-imposed blinders off.

Please open your eyes and see.

Here are some videos to help you see the truth. Be forewarned, they are very hard to watch.


And this just a small sampling. The industry is so cruel, there are thousands upon thousands of videos showing animal cruelty out there. Everything you see in these videos is standard practice in the industry. That is why so many videos are available.

The only way we will stop this cruelty is for people to stop buying their products, to stop supporting these industries. People like you. Please go vegan. For the animals, for the planet, and for your health.

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