Sunday, July 3, 2016



My car is a moving billboard for veganism.  I have many vegan bumper stickers all around the car and “Watch Cowspiracy” signs in my windows. It’s a small thing I do to try to get people to open their eyes.

The other day, the FedEx driver asked me, “Who owns the decorated Subaru?” 

After I told him it was mine, he said “I have heard that eating meat is really bad for global warming.  But the problem is I have tasted ribs and I really love them.”

I told him I haven’t eaten any meat in over thirty years and find it gross—it’s decaying flesh of dead animals. Then, thinking he was concerned about the environment, I listed the facts about the harm animal eating does to our planet—51% of greenhouse gases, water pollution, cause of drought, land degradation, rainforest destruction and world hunger.  He replied “I read it takes 10 gallons of water to make one almond.”

To which I replied “I love almonds, but I don’t eat them because of the water usage. It takes over 5000 gallons of water to make one burger.”

His reply “I don’t eat many hamburgers. I have to go, but I will think about it. I really like ribs though.” Then he left.

This same conversation I have had many times. I pull my hair out trying to understand flesh eaters.

Thirty years ago, when I found out how animals were being treated for food, I stopped buying and eating their flesh. When I saw how egg laying chickens were treated, I stopped buying eggs. When I saw how cows and calves were treated in the dairy industry, I stopped buying any dairy products. When I saw orangutans being killed for palm oil, I stopped buying products with palm oil in them. When I saw how workers in the berry, chocolate and banana industries were being treated, I started to make sure I buy only fair trade. When I saw a picture of a turtle suffocating on a plastic shopping bag, I stopped using them and only use cloth reusable shopping bags.  When I heard about the plastic island in the ocean, I stopped using plastic water bottles and containers.  I only use glass now and they are healthier—less chemicals. They also keep my water colder naturally.  When I heard about the disappearance of the bees and that almonds were a big part of the problem, I stopped eating almonds.

Many flesh eaters are fully aware of the damage the dairy, flesh, and egg industries are doing to our planet.  They are fully aware of the animal abuse in these industries.  Yet, they continue to purchase these products. Why? Because they love bacon, or they love cheese, or they love their ribs. Basically, selfish reasons. How can someone like me, who cares about animals, our planet and future generations have any respect for people who only think of themselves? How can I even look at them without seeing a selfish greedy slob?

It is not hard to do the right thing, you just have to stop and think. Think about the future of your children and grandchildren. Think of others over yourself. Start living a moral, responsible life. Go Vegan.

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