Sunday, April 10, 2016




A recent study showed the number one reason vegans return to flesh eating is social relationships. Vegans are constantly attacked and mocked by flesh eaters. Post a meme about pig cruelty on face book and most of the comments you will get back are “hmmm, bacon.”  Post a meme against wolf hunting and you will be bombarded with memes of hunters displaying dead wolves along with a number showing the deer they supposedly save by killing that wolf.

Why? We are a threat to the status quo. We want to change things and make the world better. We are doing the right thing and we will make enemies.  Every living person has been brainwashed by society since birth and we are trying to undo the brainwashing. People began to feel uncomfortable when they enter the taboo of undoing their brainwashing. They blame us for making them uncomfortable, when actually it is society’s conditioning that is the blame.  The conditioning is so ingrained in us; vegans even start to question their own beliefs and health.

I have not eaten flesh in over 30 years. I cannot stand the sight of it. People who eat it look like zombies gorging on dead flesh to me. (In reality, they are.) Over the years I have developed very thick skin. Whenever or wherever I try to promote veganism, always some simpleton would start to attack me. Ignoring them sometimes will make them go away, however I have developed a “laugh” that I give their “saving plants” jokes that ends their mockery without saying a word.

Whenever your veganism is attacked, remember no matter how bad the attacks on you are, the attacks on helpless animals are far worse. 96 billion animals every year are abused and slaughtered. Vegans are the only ones that stand up for the voiceless.  Ask yourself and your attackers “Is it too much to ask people to show kindness and compassion to animals?  Is it too much to ask to live in a peaceful, clean world? “

I don’t think asking for these things are asking for too much.  Every human is capable of kindness and compassion. Society has just taught us to suppress this.

Shining stars stand out, rather than conform.   You know veganism is the right thing to do.  Always follow your heart, not someone else’s prejudices. Hold on to your heart.  True inner peace starts with being true to yourself.

Two quotes from Albert Einstein:

 “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”

“What is right is not always popular and what is popular is not always right.”

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