Friday, December 4, 2015




This time of year we are bombarded with charities asking for donations. One charity that tries to hit me up for a donation every year is Heifer International. Heifer International takes your cash donations to buy livestock to give to people in underdeveloped countries. While their intent is good—trying to teach people to feed themselves in these countries, the concept is ill-conceived.

Animal agriculture is the number one polluter of our planet. Fifty one percent of greenhouse gases come from animal agriculture. It is the major cause of water pollution. Seven thousand square miles of the Gulf of Mexico is a dead zone, caused by the run-off from animal agriculture. Absolutely nothing can live in this dead zone. Dead zones are affecting our Great Lakes also. Animal agriculture is responsible for 91% of rainforest destruction. It has destroyed millions of acres of land in the United States. Is this really something an impoverished, underdeveloped country needs?

Animal agriculture is the major user of water and is responsible for the current droughts we are facing today. Half of all the water used in the US is used in animal agriculture. According to the University of California, it takes 5200 gallons of water to make one pound of beef, 1000 gallons to make one gallon of milk, 1639 gallons of water for one pound of pork, and 820 gallons of water for one pound of chicken. By contrast, a pound of potatoes uses only 23 gallons, a pound of wheat uses 25 gallons, and a pound of tomatoes uses 23 gallons. Most of the countries Heifer International gives animals to face water shortages and drought. It takes 16 pounds of feed to make one pound of beef. People in underdeveloped countries need food more than cows. How can Heifer International expect people, who cannot even feed their children, to feed the cows, pigs, chickens, goats that they are given?  Does it make any sense at all to introduce animal agriculture to these countries? Animal agriculture is not sustainable for countries like the US or Europe. Why would anyone think it is sustainable for underdeveloped countries?

People in underdeveloped countries face oppression and violence on a daily basis. Most people do not think of this, but raising and slaughtering animals for food perpetuates violence and oppression.  The way men treat women is directly connected to the way we treat animals. Oppression of animals started in the Middle East and look how women are treated there.  When we treat animals with violence and oppression, we will start to oppress and be violent toward people. Many books have been written on this subject. “An Unnatural Order: Roots of Our Destruction of Nature” by Jim Mason, and “World Peace Diet” by Will Tuttle PhD are both good, informative books that cover this subject intensively.

The way animals shipped overseas are treated is horrendous. They are treated more like products than living beings. They are beaten, overcrowded, underfed, and violently killed. There are no laws that protect them in overseas shipping. Why sponsor more animal cruelty for Christmas?

Eating animal products causes many diseases in humans. According to the PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine), dairy, meat and egg products cause osteoporosis, diabetes, allergies, cancer, obesity and numerous other diseases. Ebola, aids, and Hepatitis all were traced back to meat eating.  People living in underdeveloped countries do not usually have access to medical treatment.  Do we really want to inflict these illnesses on people living in these countries?  

According to a lecture given on “TED” by Joy Sun, the majority of people who receive these animals sell them right away for money.  TRU TV’s show “Adam Ruins Everything” states the best way to give is to give money directly to the people who need it.  So this year, instead of supporting charities like Heifer International or (a charity that copies Heifer International) find charities that improve the world instead of destroying it. gives money directly to the needy. Givewell is a good source to find respectable charities.  You can help people and our planet, you just need to be informed.

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